We have dubbed Owen "Little O." But anyone who has met Little O knows exactly what an Oxymoron this name truly is. Especially probably because Collin is and always has been such a little guy with his short little legs and petite frame, our "Little Man" (another of my favorite nicknames for Owen) seems so big! And where Collin never seemed to have an ounce of baby fat (in fact, he always looked like a cute mini-toddler!), Owen has the most wonderful, extremely kissable baby fat on his chubby little legs! Although far from "chunky," at roughly 17 pounds now, Little O is really a Big Lug - totally hefty.
It really hit home when I dressed him the other day in clothes Collin was still wearing at one year old. Then I was reading a 10-month old update on my niece Rylie and realized that at six months older, she is less than a pound heavier than Owen! He seems like such a big boy for his age! Surprisingly, though, Owen is still only in the 75% weight bracket for kids his age. He's completely healthy ~ and thriving on solely Mom's milk still, which makes me so pleased!
I just love how different my two boys are. I love recognizing their individual traits and noting those that they have in common. For example, Collin is always smiling, but when he was a baby, you had to earn a smile from him. But once you did, a laugh was sure to follow. Owen on the other hand is quick to smile almost upon making eye contact and slower to laugh ... he may chuckle, but doesn't start rolling without a little prodding. And Collin wasn't really ticklish until he was old enough to understand the word "tickle." His tickle spots are just near his armpits, under his chin, and on his inner thigh. Owen, however, is already totally ticklish on his back and just below his rib cage on his left side. Ah, the things only parents know (unless we post them on a blog and share it with the whole world!) I am so lucky!!
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