
Glasses! 5.3.06

Although we're still seeking a second opinion (appointment in June), we decided to purchase Collin the prescribed glasses to correct his farsightedness.

I must say that we are all in shock. The prescription is really strong. So strong that I can't even see a blurry scene when I look through his lenses (in most glasses, I can look through and the scene is blurry ... in Collin's I see only fuzz). Although he seems to even appreciate them (?), Kevin and I can't wait to get the second opinion. It's so hard to believe that Collin's as blind as the glasses indicate when he's been able to point to objects in books and pick up small objects and see around corners, etc. But maybe he has seen a much blurrier "pig" in the farm book than I always see. Maybe he's really seeing things in clear view only just now? I mean, the glasses must be helping him. He has taken to them very well ~ wearing them most of this first evening without too much prompting. Wow. I am so proud of him!

Although as a parent it is hard to accept even something so common as poor eyesight, I find great relief in knowing that he seems to love his glasses and that, to him, they are probably a welcome accessory as now he can finally see! Also, we had been wondering if he's been experiencing headaches from poor eyesight; hopefully, if he was having them, he won't now.

Isn't he a doll?! I love my boys!!!

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