
Holiday Traditions

 Collin's first grade class has been exploring family, culture, and tradition over the past month.  He's made a family tree, his family timeline (from the day Kevin and I met until the present), and collected data about the roles of family members in the family, in the community, and in the world.  This week they are discussing holiday traditions, and Collin was charged with created a collage that would encapsulate his favorite holiday traditions.  When asked what he thought of as our traditions, he said:  "First of all, we always get together with family!"  And so family became the center of his collage!
Santa Hat = Christmas Caroling
Snowflake Ornament = Snowflake Lane
Santa Figure = Annual Santa Letter & Visit
Christmas Tree = Cutting Down Our Tree and Decorating It and the House
FAMILY = Family Gatherings
Saucer and Tray = Christmas Eve Highlights, including Cookie Making, PJ Gift, and Setting Out Cookies & Milk for Santa and Carrots for the Reindeer
RACK It = Random Acts of Christmas Kindness (I love that this made the list in its first year!!)
Reindeer Ornament = Annual Ornament Craft
Ice Skates = Winter Fun, such as Sledding and Skating

Uncle Jared came up this weekend, and Saturday we had breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus!  What a treat!  (Blog about that later.)  Afterwards, we decorated our Gingerbread House then went ice skating again (we had so much fun last week!).  Pic above was taken just before we loaded in the van to go see Santa!  **Collin asked for pants again ~ and the washer is fixed!  He said he really just wants more variety and selection!  Geesh!  And a life jacket and swim goggles.  And an educational book called Kidbit.  Practical kid.