
Family Vacation Part 1: Cougar

The first leg of our family vacation was a weekend in Cougar, Washington, camping with Bobby, Rischa, Brian, Christi, Joe, Amy, Kathy and the kiddos! We had a fantastic time ~ even in a bit of rain!
Owen LOVES football and spends time perfecting his spiral. This was his first real experience playing with other boys, and he loved the camaraderie, the competition, and the occasional push/shove/tackle!
The kids really enjoyed the swings ~ especially the tire swing, which they quickly learned could be wound tightly then released for a crazy ride!!

Boys!! If you want syrup for those pancakes, you're gonna have to show me some S-I-L-L-Y!!!
The weekend was full of tag, teeball, football, softball, frisbee, and good ol' catch! Here Collin is running from Jackson, who is "It."

Just how many people can you fit into the back of a Honda Odyssey?
High School Girlfriends Reunite - Amy R (now S), Kathy S (now S-K) and Jen C (now T)
We took a walk to the fish hatchery, and the kids practiced their fish faces!! Pictured: Jackson (Joe and Amy's 4 yr old), Liam (Bobby and Rischa's 2 yr old), and Collin.
Brian and Bobby share a laugh around the campfire, while Kevin and I shared a snuggle.Almighty! Hear me now! Stop the Rain!!!

(Baby) Senior Photo ShootMy troop around the campfire

Brian pitched many games of softball over the weekend. The boys ~ for the first time ~ truly grasped the concept of running bases, singles, doubles, home runs, a catcher ... it was super neat! Collin is now saying he'd like all his friends to play baseball game (on Shaw Island) for his birthday party! (*He's been planning his birthday party - and is even working on party favors for his guests - and brainstorming his Christmas list EVERY night since Kate's birthday.)
After this photo, she immediately put the rock in her mouth ~ then spit it right back out! Silly girl!!The boys stood on their bases, ready for an RBI.
Liam and Owie


  1. The weekend was a total blast! Thanks for letting us tag along :D

  2. Looks like it was a fantastic vacation! What a bunch of cuties!

  3. We had such a great time getting to see you all, albeit for too short a time!!! Love you and def. will see you soon!

  4. Anonymous11:52 AM

    What a great blog Jen! Your fam is adorable! It was so great seeing you, next time lets order some sun and I'll stay longer than 2 hours!!!!!
