
Ladies Man (er, Boy)

Me:  Did you have fun at school today?
Owen:  Totally!  Well, except at recess.  I mean, it was soooo good, Mom.  We were playing soccer, and I was doing moves and, yeah.  The boys were cool.  But then the girls wanted to play - and we said yes - but then ... the girls were mean to me.
Me:  What do you mean?
Owen:  They kicked the ball to me, missed, it hit me in the stomach like "ugh," then they came chasing after me!
Me:  That might be because they they like you.  Maybe they think you are fun and cute, and they are trying to get your attention.
Owen:  That is DEFINITELY not it.  They ATTACKED ME!

*I suddenly had flashbacks of my early elementary years.  I owe apologies to Leif and Chad.