
Soccer Star 11.4.07

Saturday's soccer game was a true delight! Collin chased the ball, kicked the ball, ran with the team, was on the floor the entire 20 minute game, understood that his team "needed him," and raced around with the proudest, happiest grin from ear to ear! Kevin was on his feet cheering the whole game, and I was in near tears as Owen and I clapped with a vengeance, jumping up and down out our seat in excitment!

For those of you have think I'm being over dramatic, Collin spent his first game standing still (not even turning as the ball passed) in the middle of the field for 3 minutes. He then sat with us on the sidelines the remainder of the game. The second game, he never even entered the field, laying in my lap on the sidelines and praying for his bed (naptime!). The third game, he entered the field, played a few minutes, touched the ball at kickoff, but then never chased the ball or showed any desire to be there. I felt awful because it seemed we were forcing him to play, and he hated it. But we know that is not what was going on because he talks soccer all week long and always says he's excited to go play. He always wanted to go, enjoyed the practice, but then once the game started, seemed anxious, tired, frustrated and out of place.

So, Saturday's game was a breakthrough! Credited to a few very specific changes: (1) For the first time all season, the game was after naptime (not smack in the middle of it)! He was fully rested and ready to play! I wish more games were so late in the afternoon! (2) Tuesday's practice had been led by a different coach who seemed to speak Collin's language: "Walk like a penguin and keep the ball between your legs as you travel down the field." "Ok, now Collin chase Gavin (who had the ball). Now switch, Gavin chase Collin." Suddenly, it was like several lights went on, and Collin's eyes grew big and he showed an understanding of how the game of soccer is played.

By Saturday morning, he was asking if Miss Kimberly was going to coach and if he could chase Gavin and try to get the ball! Just a few words to share that Gavin is on his team and he needs to chase the other team, and he was ready to go!

It was truly very exciting! And he has so much fun! Go, Collin!!!

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