
Balancing my Event Calendar

I came  across a blog today that hit home.  Ellie G at "Less Cake, More Frosting" was identifying her One Word for 2012:  "Refine," and I liked her take ... because it identified another of the ways I will obtain Balance this year.

She shared this quote from Dallin H. Oaks:
“We should begin by recognizing the reality that just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it. The number of good things we can do far exceeds the time available to accomplish them. Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives.”
It occurs to me that as I "choose to act with behavior that aligns with what I believe is really important," as I stated January 2, I need to balance my own and my families activities, just as I am seeking to balance my home/family/work time.  When choosing our activities, I need to balance the good against the great.  What is the goal of the activity?  What do I expect myself or our family to get out of it?  What benefit or impact will it have?  Is my expectation realistic?  Is the realistic expectation in line with what I believe is really important?

This message rings especially true to me today because I was caught up in the idea of running another marathon.  However, deep down, as I searched the race events calendars, I knew that I did not have the time to commit to such an intensive race if I also wanted to experience other opportunities (like family time, mountain biking, getting back into yoga, etc.)  Although another marathon would certainly be GOOD and is on my list for Potential Future Goals, it is not a balanced goal for 2012.  The relief at this realization was amazing.  I immediately shut down the internet brower, took a deep breath, and got back to work ... with peace.  

*I'll schedule a 1/2 marathon with a girlfriend (or two or three!), which IS realistic and aligns with my balanced goals.  And I'll work it into a trip that includes a family day and some time for Kevin too.  Much better.  : )

I also crossed paths with this blog that had a good One Word:  "Us."