
Taking in One Day at a Time

It's been another successful Monday in the Tepker Home. By that I mean - we made it to school and work on time, turned in Owen's VIP poster and the boys' homework, stocked cubbies with clean extra clothes, blankets, and pillow pets. We battled illness (Eli is still congested after over a week and has diarrhea and a rough rash), and talked to the pediatrician (all's good for now). Kevin went to the doctor for his arm --> physical therapy is definitely in his future, possibly still surgery. In the eve, we got the chores done that NEEDED to get done (I folded two loads of laundry and swept the floors), we spent quality family time laughing and sharing stories, we showed each other love, we read together (Eli was captivated; definitely need to do more reading aloud with him!), and we left the stuff that didn't NEED to get done to sit for another day (my sink is full of rinsed dishes, my washer full of clean ones).

That's the way we roll. And I love it. It works ~ fantastically. Some days we sneak in a run, ride, or workout or a bit of time reading or a phone call with a friend (those are the things I wish there was more time for), but the majority of our days revolve around our family and making it work, day by day.

Today, I accomplished all that AND I received loves and hugs and homemade Valentine's and sloppy Eli kisses. Total success in my book!!!

Looking forward to tomorrow and another chance to find success!

BTW ~ Happy Valentine's Day!

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