
Apples to Apples - Football Players Review

I posted a query on Facebook a week or so ago asking if anyone had played Apples to Apples Kids or Apples to Apples Junior because I was debating which would be the better choice for the kids' reading levels. As it turned out, after the post, I didn't see Apples to Apples Kids on the shelves again. It was completely off the market in Bellingham. BUT it'd been replaced by Apples to Apples Family ... I snagged one right away! (as did Kevin on the very same day, so we had to return one! ; )

Apples to Apples Family is very cute and very fun. Collin and Marley totally got it and enjoyed it. Owen mostly got it, but he's not really reading yet so it was a bit of a stretch for him.

Never fear! Creative Collin - who may be a game inventor afterall - is here!

Collin brought out his football cards last night, handed me a stack, said, "Remember Apples to Apples? Here's your cards. Dad's the Judge. Get it?" Me: "Uh, no?!" Nice rules ...

Anyhow, it really was as simple as that! We each handed Kevin a football card, then he debated which was "the better player" and explained why he'd made his call. It was fun! The boys learned even a bit more about their cards, the players, the stats, the game, AND it was absolutely a version of Apples to Apples that Owen (and I, despite my general lack of football knowledge) could play! Even Kate can play a blind game of Apples to Apples - Football Players Review!

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