
Family Time at Lake Padden

At 22 months of age, Kate LOVES the swings! *I often see similarities in Collin and Kate's behaviors/likes when it comes to "gross motor activities" ~ no fear, willing to try and risk injury or failure. Absolutely into climbing and jumping ~ wherever the stunt takes them! They'll fall, they'll jump back in, they'll skin a knee or face embarrassment. No worries. EXCEPT, Collin was very fearful of going too fast or too high on the swing at this age. Not Kate!

*Unlike Collin and Kate, Owen approaches every gross motor activity slowly, observing first and taking it in, then only attempting it when he knows he can accomplish it (no "if at first you can't succeed, try again" for Owen; he simply won't have his "first" until he knows he WILL succeed. Someday he won't succeed in a gross motor task immediately ~ what an interesting day that will be).
Blurry as it is, I love this picture! The fact that my kids LOVE each other and WANT to be together, supporting each other, helping each other, laughing together ... it makes my world an amazing place to be in! ; )

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