
Out of the Mouths of My Babes 7.14.09

On Gravity: "So what you're saying is ... it's kinda like the earth is sticky?"
On Pluto: "If you go there, you need to bring a hot tub. And no jumping or you'll just float out there."
On Space Travel: "We're packing for a picnic on Mars. It only takes one minute to get there, but you need to be sure you have everything because who knows how long it will take to get back. No one lives there you know."

We packed a picnic, put on our helmets, and rode our makeshift space ship to Mars - Owen drove and dodged moons, a meteor shower, and barely hopped from one galaxy to the next!

Bike Update: Collin is cruising without his training wheels! It's thrilling to watch his independence, confidence and skill level increase! Monday he cautiously went over his first curb (our curbs our rounded) and then was so psyched that he spent every opportunity on his bike since riding up and down the street in a fluid S curve up and over, down and over, up and over, down and over! He's a pro now ~ what next!?! Time to take him on a trail!

Latest: LOVES to play card games! Uno and SkipBo are the latest and greatest in our house!

Kate has learned to point out noses, including her own! She's also now signing "up!"And she is amazing us with her comprehension and ability to follow instructions: sit down on your bottom, put your toys away, set your milk cup on the table, hand me that crayon, tickle your brother, etc! *She still doesn't have any teeth and she's had two bang trims.

During bathtime Kate stood and tried to walk across the bath. She faltered and fell/sat in Owen's lap with a big splash. "Oh! I got you, Kate. Don't worry, Mom. I saved Kate's life." My hero!

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