
She sleeps ...

I'd heard other parents "brag" about it. I'd read books on strategies to make it happen. But it was like a Great Myth. Fabulous Folklore spread from family to family. In our home, I can assure you, I'd never believed it could truly be. Certainly not this soon.

Sleep. More specifically: Sleeping through the Night.

Kate slept a wonderful eight and a half hours last night ~ at seven weeks!! The boys hardly slept that long in one stretch at seven months! Everybody KNOCK ON WOOD!

With Kate, we have been so lucky in the Sleep Dept. So far: no colic, long stretches of sleep, and no day/night confusion. And, did you hear me when I said - yep - eight and a half hours! THANK YOU, KATE!!!

Now, could you please teach you big brother O?? : )

1 comment:

  1. Oooo! I am so jealous! I hope it lasts for you. :)
