
Katelyn's Room

Add a pink bunny, a pink elephant, baby's first doll (love it!). Then trade out the blue and yellow curtains for pink and green curtains with flowers and butterflies ~~ and Voila! The nursery is just perfect for a little girl! Thanks to Grandma J for the fabulous curtains and diaper stacker and to Renee and Aaron for the adorable crib bumper!
Survey: How would you pronounce "Kait" if you saw it? The same as you'd pronounce "Kate"? I am so torn! I have decided that I prefer spelling "Kaitlyn" with the "ai" vs. "Katelyn" BUT I prefer "Kate" over "Kait." The dilemma? I want the spellings to coincide. Or at least I think I do. Don't I? Please weigh in!!


  1. The room looks great! I am so excited for you and can't wait to meet your sweet little girl!

  2. I don't think the spelling has to totally match... Oliver only has one "l" and Ollie has two. I have a friend who now goes by Kate, but used to be Katie and her full name is Kathryn, which, ok, isn't totally the same, but along those lines. I like Kate definitely better.

  3. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I vote for Katelyn. Just because I don't like the look of Kaitlyn. Sounds funny but when I look at it the other is more elegant. I think of words like bait and gait etc.

    Grandma J

  4. I love the room! I am so excited for you guys!! I also vote for Katelyn.


  5. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I am going against the tides here, I like Kaitlyn because it is so different from the norm, and if I saw "Kait" I would pronounce it "Kate", but that is only my opinion. Katelyn is more traditional and I am one for traditions...your right, tough call!! I do love the room! So exciting, pretty soon right?
