Grandpa carefully laced the worm onto the hook and lowered the line into the water. Collin grabbed hold of the reel and sat patiently. He watched his line sit, motionless. He watched Grandpa tie a lure onto his own line. He watched Dad teaching Owen to use the reel. He began to look bored.
And just like that - a bite. With a little help, Collin reeled in his first fish! Woohoo! The boat rocked as we exclaimed our excitement! It was just a little guy, but a prize for certain! "Congratulations, Collin!" "Good Work!" And with that, Grandpa laced another worm onto Collin's hook.
I glanced at Kevin. Collin had hardly had to wait at all. What are the chances he'll even catch another fish during our trip, let alone in this hour? No one else had caught anything yet. But at least Collin would now get to learn the realities of fishing. Or so I thought.
"Oh my gosh! Collin - your line! He's got another one!" Less than five minutes had passed! Grandma grabbed hold of Collin's pole, and the fish fought for its freedom. Collin's mouth was open wide in astonishment! The end of the pole dipped further and further into the water, and Collin gripped the side of the boat and leaned in for a closer look.
And I'm really not sure how his next fishing trip will go: will he be a lucky, er, uh, talented fisherman, always with a catch? Or will he learn that fishing isn't always a fast-action sport??!
Congratulations, Collin! Biniam also just had his first fishing experience, and was the only one to catch a fish - on his first cast, no less!