

Ok. Things went from bad to worse in the "Yuck" Department. This morning, I have changed no less than 7 overflowing diarhea diapers and spent too many minutes on my hands and knees scrubbing the floors. To top it off (poor Collin!), just after only two bites of pancakes (no butter or syrup even) the floor was drenched in vomit for a radius of at least three square feet. (Thank goodness Kevin was still home to help clean that one!) Plus, Collin threw up in his bed (and on Kevin!) in the middle of the night. The boys and I have spent as much time on the tile today as possible, avoiding the carpets and furniture. And the laundry machine is in overdrive. Let's just hope it doesn't break down ~ the laundry just keeps piling up no matter how fast I try to move it! I need a shower. This is too gross!!

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