We had hoped that he was in the seizure-free zone, but we were greatly disappointed a week and a half ago when Collin experienced another seizure - 15 and a half months after the first
seizure incident. Again, it was a febrile seizure triggered by a too-quickly rising fever. Fortunately, I was with him during the seizure and knew what it was and what to expect and do this time. I did call 9-1-1 to be on the safe side, and then I called Kevin, who quickly rushed home. We spent that afternoon in our pediatrician's office, where Collin had a full check-up, including chest x-rays to rule out pneumonia. He was cleared, and we were sent home with high hopes that the seizures would continue to be few and far between but with the added awareness that the seizures were most likely not over and would now very probably occur again.
We had no idea, however, how soon they would reoccur. Unfortuntely he's sick again - only a week and a half later - and he had another seizure in the early morning hours today. Kevin and I were both there to reassure him everything would be ok. It was a significantly different one because he stiffened rather than convulsed. His eyes stayed straight, and he seemed to still hear us (although he did not speak or really acknowledge us). It lasted slightly longer, and he came out of it much quicker. But it was no better on the parent psyche. These seizures are tough to watch - no matter how many times you are reassured that they are harmless and the (young) body's natural way of fighting off the illness and its effects.
Owen is ill too. They both have loose stools and achy tummies, but, unfortunately for Collin, illnesses tend affect Collin in a much harsher way. From what we can tell, they have the same bug. But so far, the differences in their body's reactions is astounding. Seizures aside, here's more differences:
Owen's fever hasn't gone over 100.6; we can hardly keep Collin's under 102. Owen's been filling his diaper (and spilling over!!!); Collin has vomitted twice and also has diarhea, but not nearly as much as O (probably because he has it coming out of both ends). Owen spent the day running and climbing around, laughing and playing ~ just extra clingy, and only really upset if I left the room (even for a second). Collin on the other hand, also extra clingy, did not really want to run and play. He wanted to sit, cuddle, and read books all day. He fussed each time I tried to get up from the couch or the chair or wherever he had squatted (he travelled throughout the house today ~ I can only assume he was seeking that perfect place and position where he would feel fantastic! Wishful thinking. I don't think he found it except when he was asleep). And although Collin was more than happy to bestow hugs and kisses on O and although he was content and didn't complain really, he was quick to cry and easily disturbed. He was not tolerant of O-initiated wrestling matches, like he usually is. And he wasn't chasing Owen around corners and squealing with delight when they'd collide.
One difficult part of the day was trying to assist Collin, who, as many know, normally knows exactly what he wants and when he wants it. Today, fever plagued and ill-confused, he had no idea what he wanted half of the day. For example, he'd ask for warm milk. I'd heat it. He'd take one sip and either set it down, ask for it to be warmed more, or ask me to put it in the fridge and "save it" for later. But then seconds "later", he'd want it. I'd warm it, and he'd ask for it warmed again. It was a crazy moment, and I found myself between grumbles of frustration and tears of sadness as I tried to help him feel better and balance the teeter-totter of "please" and "thank you" and recognition of favors vs. bossiness. But he was just as frustrated and just as sad. It was written in his eyes that he wanted the milk to fix his ails, but it just wasn't doing the trick no matter how he tried!!
BUT Collin wasn't sick ALL day. And he wasn't exactly "not himself." He was still the mischievious big brother. At one point, when they must have been feeling momentarily "better," I walked into another room (for a second!) and returned to "catch" Collin standing at the top of the stairs with Owen, passing O items and encouraging him to throw them over the gate and down the stairs!! Collin knows better! But he was smart enough to know that Owen does not! (or at least did not probably until today!) How could I
really give Owen a time-out when he was only doing as Collin, the big brother, the role model, the one who Owen adores and believes can do no wrong, suggested?!! But when I caught them, Collin knew he was in the wrong! He dropped what he was holding, gave Owen a quick hug, and ran to his room and shut the door. HA! I reacted appropriately, but it was hard to play it cool and communicate the "wrongfullness" because it was actually soooooo cute! If they'd have broken something, I'd probably be singing a different tune, but it exactly what I'd expect from two brothers, so close in age. Next week, Collin will probably have Owen sliding down the stairs in the sled. (No one better suggest that to Collin!!!) Collin was sitting on his bed reading a book when I entered a moment later. Tricky little fella. Luckily, Mom's onto you!!
So, as you can tell, the boys and I stayed home sick today. Although the boys were definitely not feeling well, it was a good day in many respects. And - even though they are sick and even though it's tough of my business each time I take an unexpected/unplanned day off - I must confess that I LOVE sick days because they give me the opportunity to be home with my boys. They have become my favorite days of the month ~ and I feel so guilty because they can't possibly be the boys' favorite days. But maybe ...... The best is when Collin asks - after he's better - if he can still stay home with Mommy. I WISH!!
Today was different though. I realized that our sick days (until the seizures really do become a thing of the past) will have a different angle from here on out. It's no longer a traditional sick day, where the kids can't go to school because they're sick but they can take medicine and mostly feel better all day so you can practically consider it a "play hookie" day. No. Now it's 24-7 seizure-watch sick day. I can't just rest assured that Collin's fever will go down with the medicine (it didn't last week or yesterday), and I can't rest assured that the medicine will cause them to feel better - or at least somewhat better - so we can "enjoy" our sick day.
Oh well. I still love sick days. Because I love my boys so much.