
Toddler Battles ~ 2.17.06

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Collin is contantly testing his boundaries ~ which is exactly what a toddler his age should be doing. But oh, can it be frustrating!! Above is a picture of Collin about to climb onto his table so that he can reach the light switch in the living room. What follows if we aren't close enough to stop him is a fabulous light show as he turns the lights on and off! The optimistic angle? He's learning the concept of "on" and "off" and even practices the words!! (Who'd have ever thought ... We have opted to *encourage* him to stand on the couch - which is right next to the table - to allow him to practice with the light switch rather than letting him stand on the table! It's all a Catch-22.)

And oh the tantrums they can throw! Below is a picture of Collin that I just had to take! He is - especially since Owen's birth - very attached to his pacifier. He is only allowed it at naptime and bedtime; the rest of the time, it used to be kept/hid in a kitchen drawer. As you can see, Collin caught on to that!!