Moments of Wonder 3.20.06
March was a busy month around here! Owen turned two months and had his first round of immunizations; he suffered a mild fever and got a few extra Zzzs. He weighed 13 pounds, 15 ounces (90%) and was 23.75 inches long (75%).
Collin also had a doctor's visit this month. I had started noticing that his right eye sometimes turns inward, and we were referred to an opthamologist. Although we are obtaining a second opinion (referred for an appointment), his initial tests showed that he is "very farsighted" (to use the opthamologist's words!) in his right eye and needs to wear classes to enhance his vision. Ultimately, she explained that if he does not get classes, his right eye will grow weaker and weaker and he will come to rely solely on his left eye over time and the right eye will lose its vision capabilities entirely.
Also this month, Owen and I went on our first roadtrip (to Yakima), and Kevin and Collin spent their first weekend "mommy-free". Unfortunately, the evening Owen and I left, Collin came down with a fever and spent the next day sick and vomiting. Luckily, Dad took great care of him, and they were able to spend the second day enjoying each other "illness-free." : )
Milestones: Wednesday Collin walked up four stairs without holding on to the wall! He's getting better and better ~ and more and more daring as his confidence increases!
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