
Can a GIRL be a boy's best friend??

Kevin was out talking with the neighbor guys last night, and when he came in Owen asked him who his best friend was. He said, "Well, actually, Mommy is my best friend." Owen started smirking and almost chuckling.

He said: "MOMMY is your best friend?!"
We heard: "A GIRL is your best friend?!"

This falls directly in line with a conversation he and I had recently when he asked if he could marry his (male) teacher because he wanted him to be part of the family. I said no, but that he could marry Mr. Ron's daughter, Abby, who is in Owen's class, and then Mr. Ron would be part of his family. He said: "But I can't marry Abby! She's my FRIEND!"

I love the opportunity that starts so young to teach our kids that your mate really should be your friend - yes, your best friend! (Love you, Kevin!)

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