
Best Friends

Owen was (finally, fitfully) asleep in bed with us yesterday morning suffering a fever and double ear infection when Collin came strolling in to wake us all up ~ bright and early. Too early. With a "shhh, Owen's sick," a hug, and an "alley-up," the four of us squeezed into the bed. Collin gently covered Owen with one of Collin's two must-have blankets, put O's hand in his own, looked at me and said, "Owen's my best friend. I love him. Share my blankie with him and Mommy take care of him." Then he nodded, smiled, and, satisfied that I'd gotten the message, snuggled into me, and fell back asleep. I spent the last moments of "sleep" in a state of absolute rest and bliss. We are truly blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Sniff, sniff...that is so sweet!!!
