It's 6 a.m., and I can no longer even pretend to sleep ...
What do you do the day before you welcome a new child into your family? Besides the basics like repack all your bags, double check all your batteries, take a final inventory of your supplies, etc.,
play all day. We spent the day - our last day as a family of three - playing!
What do you do the night before? We made lists for Grandma, who's watching Collin while we're in the hospital, watched the Golden Globes, talked to the myriad well-wishers on the phone, and jabberred on and on about the upcoming arrival and the differences about to happen!
What do you do as you lay awake at night? Think of every little thing that you possible could need to do before you go to the hospital ... could drive you insane! Then you imagine the surgery ... I can hardly believe they're really going to cut me open! Holy moly!
What do you do the morning of? Get up and start typing. Then Collin awakes and your morning begins.
And off we go!!!