The past few weeks have been so much fun with the boys! First, Collin has started singing ~ recognizable songs! One morning about two weeks ago, I had both boys perched on my bed, and I asked Collin if he would "watch his brother" while I brushed my teeth (of course, I was two feet away and could see them the whole time). Collin sat up real proud, scooted closer to Owen, took Owen's hand and said "Yeah." Then he stared at him. So I said, "Why don't you sing Owen a song?" And the next thing I heard was a beautiful toddler melody that sounded extremely similar to "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." It was so precious! Then Collin started doing the hand movements, and I realized that I'd "named that tune" correctly! He was singing! The very next day on the way home from his school, I heard him singing in the backseat. A close listen revealed that he was singing his ADCs (and that is not a typo)! Also, he is a big fan of Johnny cash music. We have the "Walk the Line" soundtrack in the Jeep, and he bops his head everytime it is played. He especially loves to sing along ("Down, down, down") to "Ring of Fire." : )
Along those same lines, Collin is adding about 5 new words (and a few signs) a day. When he learns words he loves, we hear them nonstop. Luckily for us, "dump" is no longer in the Top 5; the word was often accompanied by the act of dumping "something" ~ usually something wet and/or sticky ~ onto the ground. His current favorite words all have a theme: airplane, choo choo, truck, Jeep. Also associated is the word "roll," as in "Let's roll!" which is what Collin now says (and Daddy used to say) each morning when they head off to Collin's school. To make it even more hilarious, Collin rolls his arms like one would for rolling the dough in Patty-Cake or demonstrating the rolling of the Wheels on the Bus each time he says it. Speaking and signing is a big hit with him right now.
Another of his new facinations is fish. Grandma and Grandpa Yanasak have a stocked pond in their backyard oasis, and during our last visit, Collin took every opportunity to go see the fish (which he says with authority, moving his right hand forward in a weaving fashion - the sign for fish). He loved to toss the pellets into the water and watch the fish swim to the top for their meal. He also now points out every fish in every book, cup, tank -- you name it.

But fish are not the only creature now discovered! Our second trip to the zoo this past weekend was extremely productive. Collin, who now says Lion, Zebra, Melman (giraffe's name), and zoo, has been naming the animals ("Liiiiiion" and "Zeeb") and and asking for "More Zoo" nonstop. We even search for Animal Planet so he can catch "more" glimpses of "live animals."
And if you give a boy a trip to the zoo, he'll ask for a cousin to take with him. (Have any of you read If you Give a Mouse a Cookie?) We were in Oregon this past weekend with lots of family, including Brian, Shana and Emma White, and whenever she wasn't near, Collin would ask for "Emma?" For example: Time for a nap? "Emma?" "You'll see her when you wake up." Pause. Then in a sing-song happy voice of pure joy: "Emma! Emma! Emma!" And off to dreamland he'd go. Then he'd wake up, run to the hotel room door, grab for the handle, and say, "Emma?" He didn't want a moment of the visit to pass by without her! It was great fun ~ perhaps we'll be visiting Emma in Boise sooner than we'd ever thought!
Owen too has been developing in "leaps and bounds" ~ well, almost. He hasn't literally "leapt" yet, but that's probably not far off. He "found" his feet on Saturday evening, and I was so excited for him that I squealed in delight and grabbed for a camera. *Thanks, Shana!

He also is now sitting with support! A spectacular advantage! Owen can watch and learn from a whole new perspective, and he loves it!

Pic Dates: (1) 6.10.06 (2) 6.17.06 (3) 6.15.06