
Leprechaun Traps and Merry Mischief

Have you ever created a Leprechaun Trap?!  A friend of mine shared this idea with me last March, and I will forever be grateful!  I have always enjoyed St. Patrick's Day, but the mischief and fun in this tradition has literally turned my St. Patrick's Day thoughts upside down, inside out, and sideways!  I LOVE St. Patrick's Day now!  Check out our Saint Patrick's Day 2011:
STEP ONE:  In the weeks before St. Patrick's day, have your kids start gather materials to build their traps.

STEP TWO:  Start theorizing the components and strategies those merry makers might apply!  Collin used old coasters we'd picked up at the fair, pipe cleaners, the mesh bag our clementine oranges came in, etc.  His goal was to lure the Leprechaun in with his one-way doors ~ and trap them inside!

STEP THREE:  A day or two before, if you need to, glue the foundation of your trap.  Collin glued his walls and doors ahead of time, so he could decorate his trap and apply the attractions the next day.

STEP FOUR:  Get together with friends to build and decorate your traps!  Apply your theories and test Leprechaun strategy!  Tip:  don't let them know they are "traps!"  Layer disguise and create "attractions!"

Kate got into a little mischief herself as she created her trap!  She painted green fingernails:  :)
Isaac created a stick maze:
Eli created a Leprechaun Park:

Kate used corks and gold paint, paper clovers, yarn, and green glitter paint ... and lots of glue:
STEP FIVE:  Set your traps before you go to bed March 16!

  Owen put his favorite XBox game, Madden NFL, inside his trap to lure in the Leprechaun!
STEP 6:  Let the mischief begin!!  The Lephrechans tracked in gold glitter with every step, left a green footprint trail, tipped over nearly all of our furniture ~ even topsizing our shoes! ~ decorated our living space and left chocolate gold coins and a note!!

STEP 7:  Enjoy the Memory Making!!
Miss Natalie was still helping us get out the door back then (our lifesaver!).  What a perfect morning to share our lives!  (We love you!) 
Green Milk!  How about Green Hair?!
Hee Hee!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day, Everyone!!  I hope this post inspires YOU to join in the fun!  Rumor has it that those Leprechauns have quite a few new tricks up their sleeves this year ... things like spray painting sleeping kids' hair and green water in the faucet!  Have more ideas!  Please DO SHARE!  And  have fun!

Here's a link to a page I found on Pinterest that has loads of cool ideas!  She is a Super Mommy!