
Role Model and Friend ~ That's Our Kate!

Today when I picked Kate up, her teacher was overwhelmed with pride!  She shared two fantastic stories with me!

(1)  Late in the afternoon, one friend was tantruming and did not want to come inside for Circle Time.  Kate rushed up to her, leaned in with a smile, and said:  "If you come inside, I'll sing you a really cool song about your name!"  They rushed together inside, and Kate belted out:  "Sweet Caroline, Bum-Bum-Bum!"  The teacher said it was a fabulous moment as the kids learned the song and sang along!
Pic Taken at a Downtown Seattle Waterfront Pier
(2) One kid had pointed out that a teacher was fat.  Soon all the other kids had joined in the discussion, calling the teacher names and pointing.  Kate listened for a minute, looked at the teacher, and then turned to her friends and said:  "I'm not going to say that.  It will hurt her feelings, and that's not nice."  All the other kids stopped talking.  Kate REDIRECTED them and they started to build a structure out of blocks and random objects!

You are AWESOME, Kate!!!