
Guess Who Is ...

... Walking!!!
At 11 months, 1 week, Kate took her first steps tonight!! And then - icing on the cake - she stood up without holding on to anything!! Congratulations, my little BIG girl!! I can hardly believe it!

If only Daddy could have been here to see it ... The pics above were taken immediately afterwards. Then I started trying to catch her steps on video ~ a whole other story! We'll post a video as soon as I can get it set up, get Kate to take the steps on command, and then catch the act on tape in less than a minute OR as soon as Collin or Owen's attempts at creating a documentary catch the steps instead of a 360 view of the room, including the ceiling!

*We're thinking of you, Daddy, and sending you and and G&G T hugs and kisses and many, many good thoughts and well wishes! (Grandpa T was rushed to the hospital in Illinois yesterday afternoon following what now appears to have been a smallish heart attack, perhaps followed by a second a couple hours later. But today's reports have all been good, and the doctors hope to send him home tomorrow with meds and strict instructions to take care of himself. Kevin will be in Illinois at least until Sunday to visit and help his family. We love you, Grandpa!! And, Daddy! And Grandma! And G&G B too! And all of our Illinois fam!! Oh, gosh, and all of our family everywhere! We love you, one and all! ; )

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