
Seal Pack

As we ran around Lake Padden Sunday morning, Christina and I stopped quick when we heard the most intriguing sound. Since it was dark, and we were running by headlamp and moonlight, our first thoughts rushed through the animal noises we might hear from woodland creatures.

Bear? No. Cougar? No. Coyote? Not quite the right sound, but closer.

It sounded like - whatever it was - it was on the other side of the lake. And if it was a coyote, it wasn't likely to attack us, so we kept running. I am so glad we did.

1/4 mile later, we heard it again - and again, we stopped in our tracks.

"Sounds like a seal pack!" Christina exclaimed. Seals in Lake Padden?!

Turns out we were hearing the sound of ice melting! Beautifully, we listened as the ice covering the lake cracked, melted, bobbed. It was AWESOME! One of the most beautiful sounds and most amazing moments I've had in nature.

To think most of Bellingham was still asleep, safe and cozy (and warm!) in their beds. But they missed it. Lucky us!!

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