
Baby Tepker #4 is on its way!

We're pleased to announce that our fourth addition will be joining us in July 2010! We're 9 weeks along and growing strong. If we're friends on FB, check out my profile and enjoy the video of Kevin and the boys seeing our baby for the first time today! *It won't upload here for some reason ... ??


He's Makin' a List and Checking it Twice

O Christmas Tree, Where Art Thou? 2009

Kate and Daddy hunt for the perfect family tree. "Over here, Mom! This way!"
Owen does his best Christmas tree impression!
Collin ultimately declared one lucky tree the "best Christmas tree ever," and our trip was a success in every way!



Me: You look handsome today, Collin.

Collin: If I had a guitar, I'd be even more handsome. (And he proceeds to play air guitar and crack me up!!)

Where did that come from?! And THAT is another reason why I have kids. Awesome morning!


Little Collin Sings Jingle Bells


Click on the link to see Little 3-yr-old Collin sing Jingle Bells on stage at our family Christmas party Dec. 22, 2007! I love his magneto microphone!